Eastern Meter Management Association
Advance your career
Impact your community
Network with water professionals
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The Eastern Meter Management Association (E.M.M.A.), would like to invite you to join our gathering every third Thursday in February, June, & October.
The Eastern Meter Management Association (EMMA) is the most prominent water meter organization on the East Coast. We are comprised of utility members and vendors who share the most current information related to meter products and services. Our organization meets regularly to discuss the latest trends in metering; to view presentations by experts in the field of metering, and to study best practices in our industry.
Do you need information on Cross Connection Control; Water Meter Replacement Programs or Water Meter Testing programs? Do you want to find out about “lessons learned” from implementing new meter initiatives? Are you a vendor of meter related products? Do you offer meter installation services or meter testing services? Do you provide meter consulting services?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions there is no better time to join the leading meter organization on the East Coast.